[ 7 September 2015 ]
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Post by Tracy Blalock, Senior Copywriter
We all have favorite brands—companies we love because of how they make us feel—that have created successful businesses on that very principle. Just take Starbucks for example. They've built a billion-dollar business on taking customer service personally. Who doesn't feel special when the barista greets them by name and has their double-shot decaf no-foam latte sitting on the counter when they walk in the door?

Sure, blasting broadcast emails to one list is easy, but that's not the best tactic to get results. Aberdeen Group says personalized emails improve click-through rates by 14 percent and sales-conversion rates by 10 percent. Here are a five simple ways you can personalize your emails to give recipients the warm and fuzzies:

  • Name - Everyone appreciates being called by name. Including the individual's name in the subject line, body or both puts them at ease.
  • Gender - Something as simple as referring to individuals by the right gender shows them you're going the extra mile.
  • Geography - Directing recipients to nearby locations, referencing local weather, even mentioning sports teams makes them feel like neighbors.
  • Product or Service - Referencing products or services you know they're currently using creates an instant connection that sets you apart.
  • Activity - Referencing website pages they've visited or content they've downloaded makes your email seem like a new thread in an ongoing conversation.

Learn more about how to put together an impactful email campaign by leveraging resellerCONNECT's email marketing services. Check out the "Marketing Services" pages or go straight to "About" for a consultation.

[ About The Author ]
Tracy Blalock, Senior Copywriter
Tracy Blalock is a seasoned professional with more than 25 years of experience including sales, marketing and business development.
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